Business 1.0 — Strategies from Robbers

Two people, each working in the same “industry.” But only one has discovered how to multiply and maximise his talents.
Two men were mugged. Neither one was harmed.
Mugger number one took the man’s wallet and his cash — $85.
Mugger two had a different approach towards his “business.” Mugger number two took the other man’s wallet and cash, and $70, plus his watch and his wedding ring. The watch and ring were not expensive but had no real street value.
Ordinarily, that would be the end of the story.
But , two days later, man number two walks out of his apartment on his way to the office. He hears someone calling his name. He turns, and there is the man who mugged him, smiling and not at all threatening. Mugger number two ask the man if he would like his watch and ring back.
As both items held great sentimental value to him, he said yes. The mugger offered to sell them back for $500. The man only had $90 with him. The mugger accepted the $90, but instead of returning the watch and ring, he gave the man a receipt from a pawnshop.
Later that day the man went to the pawnshop and paid $80 to reclaim his watch and ring.
Originally published at